Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tour of Mix 106.5

Tyler's cubscout group got to tour Mix 106.5.  Each boy got to put his voice on a recording and hear how they could manipulate the sound afterward.  Even Cole got to be one of the scouts for the day.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

San Francisco Giants

We went to watch an exhibition game between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland A's.  It was Tyler and Cole's first experience at AT&T park. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Hollow

I took the boys to Happy Hollow since we had an inservice day.  We ran into some friends from Cole's class there.

 What a ham.  This is the Danny the Dragon train.  You'd think it was a roller coaster by Cole's expression!

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Melissa and I took the boys to Petroglyph to paint pottery.  Tyler decided to make a plate for my mom's birthday. 

 Cole chose to make a rainbow plate.  They both designed and painted their own plates.

 Miki joined us as well.
 Proud artists!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Missing Tooth

Tyler finally lost one of his top teeth.  It was wiggly for such a long time, then one Friday at Kids Club, it finally fell out!  We went to the office to get a tooth necklace container where the kids can store their tooth.  Tyler dropped his tooth in the office.  I was on hands and knees searching for it.  Even the principal came out and was on hands and knees searching!  Finally, the secretary, Rita found the tooth!  Thank goodness!