Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pampered Pup

The boys were so happy to see Milo when we got home from our Tahoe trip, and of course, Milo was so happy to see them as well.  Here they are with Milo after they had given him a pillow for his head and a blanket to keep him warm.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

First Ski Trip

We decided it was time for the boys to try out skiing.  We went up to Tahoe during the Winter Break and rented skis.  The boys are all geared up here and can't wait to try out skiing!

 We went to Homewood.  Here we are in the parking lot getting ready to hit the slopes.
 We went to the top of the smallest bunny slope.  We quickly learned that this was not the best way to teach the boys.  Both were in tears and wanted to give up within the first 5 minutes!  Geoff got Cole down to the bottom, but Tyler was too frustrated to move.  After a nice Dr. Pepper break on the slope, and a pep talk from Geoff, Tyler was ready to try to make it to the bottom as well.  Here's Cole making his way down.
 We then practiced at the bottom of another bunny slope just sort of gliding for a few feet at a time.  This put Tyler in a much better mood!  Cole, of course, immediately went back up on the slopes with Geoff.
 Below is Geoff teaching Cole how to turn.
 By the end of the day the boys loved skiing and had no problem with the bunny slopes.  They even started going up without us!  We decided to come back for another day.  We had beautiful weather which was very fortunate since a huge storm hit the day after! 
 We warmed up with the bunny slopes again....
 Then took the boys up the big chair lift.  We went to the top of "Rabbit Ridge".

 The boys skiied down all the way from the top several times!  Mostly beginning runs with intermediate stretches.  I fell many more times than they did.  I think it won't be long before they've passed me up in their skiing abilities!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Birdhouses Wtih Papa

Geoff's dad came over to make birdhouses with the boys after school one day.

 They were very proud of their work!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

I made heart-shaped toast for Valentine's Day breakfast.

 Tyler and a classmate during their class party.
Geoff went all out and brought home 2 dozen roses, let me go to my Zumba class, ordered dinner and even drew a bath for me! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

CalTrain and Train Museum

Tyler's cubscout troop went out to visit the train museum in Santa Clara. 

 This is the bell that they used to ring.
 Checking out the model trains.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

100th Day of School

February 2 was the 100th day of school!  The classes do different things to celebrate.  I made a 100th day of school breakfast in the shape of 100 with cantaloupe and english muffins.

 Cole even got a 100th day lunch made of soysauce with sugar and mochi.