Saturday, April 12, 2008

Seabright Beach

The last of our Spring Break outings was going to Seabright Beach. Tyler and Cole got some new sand toys in their Easter baskets that they were able to try out. They actually got adventurous and went in the water a little, too!

No need for a blanket to lay on for this one!

Here's our attempt at a sandcastle.
Tyler did a great job looking out for Cole. He's a great big brother!
Tyler and Cole say they're "surfing" when the waves go back out over their feet. They also kept saying that they were going to Tahoe!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gilroy Gardens

Another one of our Spring Break adventures was Gilroy Gardens. It's always a favorite for the boys. Cole was not in a picture mood, though!

They both loved running under the waterfalls!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Children's Discovery Museum

Tyler has Spring Break this week, so we've been having fun little outings each day to make the most of it! Today we went to the Children's Discovery Museum. The boys had so much fun there, it was hard to get them to leave.

Here they are in the storage compartment of a fire truck.

Already tinkering with engines!

Tyler building a bridge

Cole in a wicker boat
Making larger than life bubbles!
Here's a video of Tyler making huge bubbles!

The water area was a huge highlight.

Wiggles Concert

Thanks to some friends of the Boors, Tyler, Cole and I had the opportunity to go see the Wiggles concert for free! Tyler and Cole didn't know who they were, but still had a fun time!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Movie Night

We had the Howarth family over for an impromptu BBQ and let the kids watch Ice Age at the end of the evening. It was priceless to hear them all giggling together!