Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cole's Room Makeover

I thought it was finally time that Cole had a theme to his room. It only took me 4 years!

Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School!

Tyler was so excited for his first day of Kindergarten! He chose to have crepes for breakfast.

Our school does not allow backpacks in Kindergarten. Every child must have a tote bag instead.

One of our neighbors who is in PM Kindergarten.Lucas and Tyler

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


For our last summer outing we took Tyler and Cole to the circus!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Swim Class

Tyler and Cole are both taking swim class right now. They are both sort of swimming now. Cole just got promoted to "Octopus" after having mastered the "Jellyfish" skills.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Salinas Airshow

We took the boys to the Salinas Airshow on a Friday night. It was their first time up close to planes like these.

Tyler "driving" the helicopter.

The planes were cool to watch. When it got dark they even had some that had fireworks coming off of them and parachuters that had fireworks streaming off of their feet!

One of the highlights was "Robosaurus" which was a huge truck that transformed into a dinosaur and picked up and "ate" cars! He really just blew fire on them and dropped them (still cool!). There was also a great fireworks show and then the "wall of fire"! Couldn't get a picture of that, but it is just what it sounds like!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Milo had surgery (he got neutered) today. I bought him a toy to help comfort him. Could he look any more pathetic?

Yes, he can!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tivo Family Carnival

Every summer Tivo throws a family carnival day. This year, they had a bounce house filled with foam!